Hello to all of my loves, both friend and fam back in the Sates and wherever... I'm sending a ton of hugs from five hours ahead (yay England!).
The flight over here wasn't too horrid, although the plane was delayed about an hour because of baggage loading issues... but I spent about three hours talking to a lovely Australian, Richard, who had just traveled the Shenandoah valley and D.C. area for a week with his mates. (For all you JMU people, he is a big fan of "Daves" downtown and thinks it was the best pub in VA.. HA!). Wonderful conversation (him being attractive with pretty much the best accent in the world helped too) about all sorts of things... but as most amazing Australians go (*cough* Hugh Jackman *cough*) he was married. Too old for me anyways but fantastic to talk to instead of being bored out of my mind waiting.
On the plane he sat a few sections back from me so we said goodbyes at the gate and I was seated next to the window in a three seater row. Unfortunately the guy in the middle was very tall and decided it would be best to leave his elbows hanging over the arm-rest poking into my side for the hr trip. Ugh. Needless to say, I didn't get a ton of sleep but I was able to watch an old Dr. Who episode (just from a few seasons ago with Kylie Minogue, the Christmas special thinnger) and a few other movies as well as listen to some Michael Buble to get my mind off of Elbow Boy.
Random happy note: The food on British Airways was surprisingly good... dinner was at least... the brekky muffins were a bit off.
After landing (now it's Sunday morning) Rich (aka. fave Australian after Hugh Jackman ever) and I found each other again and walked to customs together... but being a resident of England we parted ways there. All in all, I was extremely grateful we met in line for baggage drop off as he made my whole trip over rather enjoyable. Then I had a bit of an issue getting a visa into the UK cause apparently they aren't as family oriented in the South of England as they are in the North so when I said I was visiting my cousin (really my Grandmother's - sister's - daughter's - daughter) they looked at me a bit off and I was put under a few more extra questions. Thankfully I had my (Great) Auntie Patsy's telephone number so I used that to verify my business. Soon after I was all through customs (nothing to declare of course) and saw Becky (the cousin) almost as soon as I got into the waiting area. Lovely!
*Random Note 2: This is getting quite long... sorry!*
Sunday around noonish Becky and I made it to my Auntie Patsy's (aka. Nanny) house and we had tea and sandwiches with Patsy and my cousin's Steve, Deb and their kids. It was wonderful to see her again as I hadn't seen my great aunt in ages. Then we went to Southwater (in Sussex county) to Becky's house... she's living back with her mum Sue and sis Abby, so I have a lovely room here (from which I am writing to you now!). Her dad, Trevor, came over and we all had a wonderful BBQ (although I didn't eat the lamb... no way Jose!) before Becks and I nipped out to the pub. I don't remember the name of that one (there are literally pubs on just about every street corner here) but I got to meet a bunch of Becky's friends from around the area and they we enjoyed having a "you say what like that?!?" contest. Good times.
We didn't stay out late at all (back definitely before midnight) and yet I still slept till about 1pm... granted, that is about 8am back in the States but still terrible none the less. Once I got my time-warped butt out of bed, Becky and I went to the village of Horsham and walked around the shops (JMU people; think the Valley mall but older architecture and mostly outside... MD people; think Burtonsville Crossing x 2 with an open market feel). It was absolutely beatuiful and the park where we sat and was wonderful... I wish I brought my camera but I was a spaz and forgot it at the house. That evening we went back out the another pub with Becky's friends, this time it was a place called Bax Castle, and I had some chips along with a lemon - lime and soda (not at all like a sprite). Chips = steak fries, Crisps = potato chips... and there are bacon flavored ones... weirrrrrd (although I'm sure you'd love them Pooh Bear).
Today (as in yesterday since it's now about 2am over here) was chill and Becky and I went to the pub where her boyfriend Dan works, The Red Lyon, for lunch ("PUB LUNCH!") and I had ham, eggs, and chips. Good stuff even if it tasted more like breakfast with fries. :p We chilled at the pub a bit and talked with Dan and his two co-workers (another Dan and a "little" Dave) and they got a huge laugh out of my "MADISON SPOONING" T-shirt. Hehehe. Then we went back to the house and chilled with Abby for about an hour after she got back from college (aka. High school).
This evening we dressed up and went for dinner and drinks in Brighton (WOOT for Jane Austen references!) with two of Becky's friends from University, Charlotte and Frankie (Francesca). They were running a bit late now so I was able to explore the pier (like the O.C. boardwalk) and the beach a bit... it is all stones!!!! They are great girls and I had a TON of fun going around with them... especially to the Australian bar called "The Walk About"... completely staffed by Aussies! BRILLIANT! It was loads of fun and Charlotte and I discovered our mutual love for David Tennant ^_^ ... although I do now have a rather nasty blister from walking around in Abby's heels all night. MEH!
Ok, my Crunchie is now gone (this is the most amazing candy bar ever and I'll bring a bunch back for everyone if I can find a pack in the Duty Free) and my contacts are dry so I'm going to head off to bed now . It's a bit of touristy business in London tomorrow so a ton of pictures will probably be taken then and I'll post them on Facebook or possibly here if I get a chance.
For those of you who have read all my rambling so far, thank you and I miss you like mad. And for those who haven't and skipped to the bottom... well, I probably still miss you too. :D
All my love,
xoxoxo~ Mia
ps- D.C. at night looks like glitter on black velvet, and England in the morning looks like a green patchwork quilt... and I've never seen the stars as bright as when flying over the ocean with all the lights in the plane gone out. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
pps- funny sayings I've learned; "I just couldn't be asked" = "I'm not in the mood", "I'm not bothered" = "I don't care" ... hehehe, expect these to be used when I'm back at Jamoo. :p
ppps- thanks for all the comments on Facebook and here, you all are wonderful!
1 comment:
tell all the family I say hi! And you are an amazing writer, you should really get this published or something when you get back. I am currently studying my butt off for saturday, when I get to wake up at 7 am for consecutive exams, ick.
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