The misadventures and musings of a biologist set free from the lab
23 May 2008
I am having a blonde moment melt down and forgot how to add pics to the posts. AHH! Check out facebook, I'll try to add some there. ~Mia
MIA!! What happened to my Shelly. Cheetah, Lion??? This is so cool.I feel like I'm right there with you girl. You are a great writer.Sounds like a wondeful adventure so far. Be safe. Love A
Hello there, my little friend! I've been checking in with your mom to see how you're doing. She hooked me up to your blog. I have been thinking of you often. You are so awesome! Can't wait to hear the wonderful stories when you return. I know you're having the time of your life. All my love, Lucia
MIA!! What happened to my Shelly. Cheetah, Lion??? This is so cool.I feel like I'm right there with you girl. You are a great writer.Sounds like a wondeful adventure so far. Be safe. Love A
Hello there, my little friend! I've been checking in with your mom to see how you're doing. She hooked me up to your blog. I have been thinking of you often. You are so awesome! Can't wait to hear the wonderful stories when you return. I know you're having the time of your life. All my love,
--mmmmmmmmmmmm lion meat *mouth waters*
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