23 March 2014

Calling it... for now.

A little over a year ago I started another wildlife-esque blog on the tumblr format. The Jungle Nook. It started out as a silly thing to pass the time during a sick day, but I have really fallen in love with the science community on this website. It is growing pretty steadily and I would like to see where my foray into wildlife / science blogging can take me.
So if you come across this blog I hope you take a moment or two to check out TJN. Perhaps one day I'll use the Blogger format along with tumblr... but let's just take things one day at a time until then.
Consider this blog on hiatus until future notice. If you would still like to read about my misadventures in the field, see pictures / video of my wildlife encounters, and perhaps even learn a thing or two about wildlife, I hope you drop by TheJungleNook and say hi.

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