05 October 2008

Time to begin again?

Hello again, if anyone is still reading this then I do apologize for not updating in quite some time. Being back in the states took some getting used to and with classes and everything else back in full swing at JMU I have found myself ignoring the promises I made to "fill in the blanks" of my African adventures. At present I would like to go back to the beginning and write as much as I can in a narrative sort of form. I find this method much more interesting than the random babbling in my journal (although I'm sure some of those entries will also be added). Who knows, maybe I'll even do a weekly update as I organize my chaotic thoughts into something slightly more substantial.
... I make no promises.
Also, consider yourself forwarned that random bits of Mammalogy or Ornithology info will probably be inserted when the odd mood strikes. I would apologize for that as well but those of you who know me should be well aware of this by now...

"My jaw hurts"
"Do you mean your your mandible or the dentary-squamosal articulation?"
"It's a mammalian trait you know, allows for greater efficiency..."
"You need to get out more"

Alrighty then, I'm off to a group meeting but perhaps something worth reading will appear on these pages before too long.
All my love,

ps- As I write I will finally be able to post some of those awesome pictures... if you would like any then please email me so you can get the full file instead of the terrible resized one if you do the right click method.